Verify Enrollment

You may need certification of enrollment to defer student loans, provide proof of enrollment for health insurance, verify degrees for prospective employers or show proof of academic standing to enroll in another institution. An enrollment certification is an official document that confirms:

• Attendance.
• Degrees awarded.
• Current and past enrollment.
• Expected graduation date.
• Texas Success Initiative (TSI) status.
• Available test scores.
• Cumulative GPA.
• Other parts of a student academic record.

Enrollment certifications are printed on security paper with the university seal and registrar’s signature.

Cost: Free

Certification Request Form

Downloadable PDF

How to Order an Enrollment Certification

Order by Mail, Fax or Email

1. Completely fill out the certification request form.
2. Submit the form by email, fax, or mail:

  • Email:
  • Fax: (512) 475-7520
  • Mail:
    The University of Texas at Austin
    Office of the Registrar, Student Academic Records
    P.O. Box 302666
    Austin, TX 78703

In compliance with security guidelines, payment information will not be provided to third-parties (e.g., FedEx).

Please allow up to three business days for processing.

Order In Person

Enrollment certifications are available for same-day processing and pick-up, notarization, or delivery by express shipping at Texas One Stop on the ground floor of the Main Building (the Tower) on 110 Inner Campus Drive. See Visit Texas One Stop for office hours and visiting procedures.

If you plan to mail the enrollment certification, bring the complete mailing address with you.

If you are requesting expedited delivery of an enrollment certification(s), bring the express shipping label(s) with you to the office before 4:30 p.m. CT. Additional charges for express shipping or overnight delivery apply. See the Expedited Delivery section for more tips and details.

Expedited Delivery

Enrollment can be sent via express shipping at your expense. Other delivery services may be used if you make arrangements in advance. In compliance with security guidelines, payment information will not be provided to third parties or delivery services. Requesting express shipping delivery does not guarantee priority processing of your order.

To Request FedEx Delivery

1. Visit FedEx and select “Create a Shipment.” Continue through prompts to confirmation page.
2) On the Confirmation Page, confirm address and shipping information, check the box for “Email a copy of my shipping label” on bottom of page and enter to submit shipping label. Then select “Ship.”
3) To avoid potential delay in case we need to contact you, be sure to provide your phone number when entering information in the “From Address” section.
4) Print a copy of the shipping label and, for online orders, email a copy of the shipping label to Certifications at
5) For written requests, submit a printed label along with a signed FedEx order form. If ordering in person, bring the shipping label with you to the office before 4:30 p.m. CT.
6) Certifications for expedited delivery will not be sent without a shipping label for each destination address.

Requesting expedited delivery does not guarantee same-day processing; however, all written requests for expedited delivery received in-office after 4 p.m. CT will be processed in the order received beginning the next business day.

Releasing Directory Information

Certification of directory information may be released without a student’s written authorization. The University of Texas at Austin defines directory information as local and permanent addresses, dates of attendance, enrollment status, school and major field of study, classification, earned degrees, expected degree date and similar information.

A student may grant release of their restricted record by submitting a written request for release. Certain confidential information may be released only with the student’s written authorization and signature, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Third Party Requests for Information

Student loan servicers can find your enrollment status at the National Student Clearinghouse. If  the National Student Clearinghouse has yet to update your information, you can bring the student loan servicer’s deferment form to Texas One Stop or email and we will send them an enrollment certification with your form.

Employers and background screening firms should contact the National Student Clearinghouse to request printed verification of attendance and degrees.

Verify Degree and Attendance

You may verify your degrees and attendance online if you are a current or former student of the University.

Letters of Non-Attendance

The Office of the Registrar does not issue letters of non-attendance.

OnRamps students: If you need a letter from OnRamps to verify enrollment or non-attendance at UT Austin, please complete the OnRamps Letter Request Form. For more information, contact OnRamps at or call 512-265-2515.

If you did not participate in the OnRamps program, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse as you may be able to obtain a “no record can be confirmed” letter by requesting verification for “The University of Texas at Austin.”

Contact Us

Student Academic Records
Fax: 512-475-7520

Campus Address:
Main Building Room 1, Texas One Stop

Mailing Address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Office of the Registrar
Student Academic Records
P.O. Box 302666
Austin, TX 78703

Still Need Help?

We’re here for you.


Hours of Operation
Monday–Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Visit Texas One Stop ›

MAI 1 (Ground Floor of UT Tower)
110 Inner Campus Dr.
Austin, TX 78712



(512) 232-6988 (myUT)

Hours of operation for phone calls are Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 8:​30 a.​m.​- 5:00 p.​m., Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Call volumes may be higher during peak times.

Call Us

Email response times may take 5-7 business days.


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