Financial Aid Appeals

If changes in your or your family’s lives have impacted you financially, you may be eligible to submit a special circumstance appeal. On exception, the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will review and consider changes to a student’s available aid based on the information provided.

How to File an Appeal

  1. File Your FAFSA

    If you have not done so already, file your FAFSA.

  2. Complete Appeal Form

    Determine if you qualify for one of the below types of financial aid appeals. Then, select and complete the appropriate appeal form from the Texas One Stop Forms page.

  3. Submit Documents

    Make sure that you submit any requested documents on the form. Failure to submit will result in the form being rejected or in a delay in processing.

  4. Get Assistance

    Contact Texas One Stop if you have questions or need assistance determining if you qualify for an appeal.

Types of Appeals

Special circumstance appeal

If your family has experienced one or more of the following situations, you may qualify for an adjustment to the information on your FAFSA. Making these types of adjustments may result in increased financial aid eligibility.

  • Loss or reduction of income which may include, but not limited to furlough, unemployment, disability or retirement.
  • Termination of benefits received or income such as child support, alimony or social security benefits.
  • Divorce or separation that occurred after the FAFSA was filed.
  • Death of a parent or spouse that occurred after the FAFSA was filed.
  • Exceptional medical and/or dental expenses incurred, not paid by insurance.
  • Expenses related to the student’s disability (e.g., specialized equipment, materials or services necessary to be successful in school).
  • School tuition expenses for dependents in elementary, high school, or Universities.
  • Natural disaster expenses incurred, not paid by insurance.

Special Circumstance Appeal Form

If you wish to submit a special circumstance appeal for the 2024-2025 academic year, please select either the Reduction in Income Appeal or Additional Expenses Appeal based on your circumstances.

Cost of attendance appeal

The University establishes a Cost of Attendance (COA) each academic year, which includes the average amounts for standard educational expenses incurred by UT students during the academic year. Students may experience unforeseen expenses during an academic year that are not accounted for in the typical estimated cost of attendance.

Families can request an increase in their COA for one of the following reasons:

    • Additional course-related expenses.
    • One-time purchase of computer.
    • Technology needed for coursework.
    • Childcare expenses.
    • Medical/dental expenses not covered by insurance.
    • Automobile expenses (repair, insurance, maintenance).
    • Housing costs above the estimated average in the COA.

Cost of Attendance Appeal Form

Dependency override appeal

Federal student aid programs are based on the concept that it is primarily your and your family’s responsibility to pay for your education. Dependent students are required to report parental information on the FAFSA; however, some student situations will require extra discretion in determining their ability to provide this information. Our office provides the opportunity for students to appeal their FAFSA Dependency Status by submitting documentation of their situation.

Students can request a Dependency Override for unusual circumstances that includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • The student is unable to locate their parents.
  • Abandonment by parents.
  • An abusive family environment that threatens the student’s health or safety (physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, sexual orientation).

Dependency Override Appeal Form

Please note, if your Student Aid Index (SAI) on your FAFSA currently shows -1500 or 0, you have already been offered the maximum amount of financial aid available at the University. You should contact Texas Financial Wellness for a one-on-one appointment to see if any additional resources may be available.

*The 2025-2026 appeal forms will be available for submission Monday, March 10, 2025.

Please contact Texas One Stop if you have questions about revising your financial aid or which appeal form best fits your personal situation.

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