View Academic Summary
An academic summary is offered in lieu of an unofficial transcript. It is a course list that includes:
- Your legal name on record.
- Grades earned.
- Major.
- Classification.
- UT and transferred coursework by semester.
- Lower/upper division GPA.
- Cumulative GPA for UT Austin coursework.
- Total hours.
- Date degree expected, if applicable.
- University name.
View your Academic Summary
Log in with your EID to view, download or print an academic summary.
Cost: Free
- The content of an academic summary printed in our office may be different.
- An academic summary accessed online will have a repeating “unofficial copy” watermark on each page.
- An academic summary is different from a transcript. It does not include the University seal or signature of the registrar.
- It does not include degrees earned.
- If you were last enrolled prior to Fall 1979, or if you only completed distance, extension, or correspondence courses, an academic summary may not be available.
- If you are a current or former Law School student, please send an email to for instructions on how to obtain an academic summary.
- We recommend downloading your academic summary before printing it.
- An academic summary is not available to third parties.
- If you did not have a UT EID during the time you attended, one has been assigned to you. Please use the University’s UT EID Self-Service Tools to find your UT EID. If the UT EID Self-Service Tools are not able to locate your UT EID, do not create a new one. Contact the UT Service Desk for help, including password assistance.
Contact Us
Transcript Services
Include your EID in your email
Fax: 512-475-7520
Campus Address:
Main Building Room 1, Texas One Stop
Campus Mail Code:
Transcripts M5500
Mailing Address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Office of the Registrar
Transcript Services
P.O. Box 302666
Austin, TX 78703