Distance, Extension, Correspondence Courses

 Please make sure your grades are on your grade report before ordering your transcript.

For distance, extension and correspondence courses (e.g., Engineer Your World, ChemBridge etc.), make sure your grades are on your grade report before ordering your transcript. Grades appear on official transcripts once the course is completed and after University Extension reports the grades to the Office of the Registrar.

illustration of a document and envelope

Order a Transcript

Log in with your EID to order an official transcript online or to check order status.

 If you are not able to login to the Online Transcript Order System, please note:
• Your UT EID and password is required for login.
• If you did not have a UT EID during the time you attended, one has been assigned to you. Please use the University’s UT EID Self-Service Tools to find your UT EID. If the UT EID Self-Service Tools are not able to locate your UT EID, do not create a new one. Contact the UT Service Desk for help, including password assistance.

For distance, extension and correspondence courses, official transcripts can be ordered online within three years of your course completion date. After three years, you may only be able to order via Transcript Order Form 891 or in person at the Texas One Stop.

If you are unable to order online, either complete Transcript Order Form 891 or order in person at the Texas One Stop.

Transcripts are not available for distance, extension or correspondence courses in progress, courses that were dropped, or courses for which you elected not to claim credit.

OnRamps students, please see the OnRamps transcript webpage for more information.

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Hours of Operation
Monday–Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
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110 Inner Campus Dr.
Austin, TX 78712



(512) 232-6988 (myUT)

Hours of operation for phone calls are Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 8:​30 a.​m.​- 5:00 p.​m., Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Call volumes may be higher during peak times.

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