Expansion of SNAP Benefits for Students

Effective February 21, 2021

Per, the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2021, these new categories of students are now temporarily eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits:

  1. Students who have been awarded, but are not working, through federal or state work-study.
  2. Students who have an EFC of 0 in the current academic year.

In addition, students who are half-time or greater are now able to be considered for SNAP benefits, but must still meet the expected family contribution (EFC) or work-study requirement, in addition to any other financial and non-financial SNAP eligibility criteria.

These temporary extensions will expire 30 days after the COVID-19 public health emergency has been ended.


To get SNAP benefits, you must apply in the state in which you currently live and you must meet certain requirements, including resource and income limits, which are described on this SNAP Eligibility page. SNAP income and resource limits are updated annually.

At a glance, eligible students include:

  • Any student who is eligible to participate in federally or state financed work-study during the regular academic year, as determined by the institution of higher education.


  • Any student who has an EFC of 0 in the current academic year.

Applying for SNAP Benefits

  • Visit TX SNAP website for details about the SNAP program in Texas.
  • Create a login at YourTexasBenefits in order to apply.
  • You may be required to provide verification of your EFC or work-study award.
  • If you are issued SNAP benefits, you will receive a Lone Star Card onto which benefit amounts will be deposited.

Verifying EFC or Work-Study

State SNAP agencies will need to verify that you meet the temporary criteria.

Self-Verification: Submit a hard copy or image of your 2020–2021 award from CASH to Health and Human Services (HHS), who will confirm that you were awarded with state or federal work-study.

  • Obtain a PDF of a Student Aid Report (SAR) by logging in to gov and selecting the “View or Print your Student Aid Report (SAR)” option near the middle of the “My FAFSA” page. And upload through the application or you can send to your caseworker (once assigned).
  • For students who are ineligible for the full Pell award (graduate students or undergraduates who have reached their Pell lifetime eligibility used (LEU)), you can demonstrate your EFC by downloading and submitting a 2020–2021 Student Aid Report (SAR).

UT Verification: If you are required to obtain verification from UT, email details of your request to onestop@utexas.edu from your UT email address.

FERPA prohibits UT from releasing certain data without the student’s permission. This includes for purposes of SNAP Benefits.

For questions, please email Texas Financial Wellness at financialwellness@utexas.edu or visit financialwellness.utexas.edu to schedule an appointment with a financial wellness team counselor.

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