Revising Your Financial Aid

Please contact Texas One Stop if you have questions about revising your financial aid or which appeal form best fits your personal situation.

Tuition Set-Aside

Financial Aid Appeals

If changes in you or your family's lives have impacted you financially, you may be eligible to submit a special circumstance appeal.

Revising Loans

Revising Your Loans

Make changes to your loans and loan amounts.

Managing Work Study

Managing Your Work-Study Award

Decline or request a work-study award as part of your financial aid package.

Still Need Help?

We’re here for you.


Hours of Operation
Monday–Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Visit Texas One Stop ›

MAI 1 (Ground Floor of UT Tower)
110 Inner Campus Dr.
Austin, TX 78712



(512) 232-6988 (myUT)

Hours of operation for phone calls are Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 8:​30 a.​m.​- 5:00 p.​m., Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Call volumes may be higher during peak times.

Call Us

Email response times may take 5-7 business days.


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