
In accordance with recommendations from public health officials, UT Austin has suspended many on campus resources until further notice. As a result, Enrollment Management and Student Success (EMSS) is conducting business remotely. In the meantime, our offices are available to assist the community through tele-communications as needed. Please see a list of Enrollment Management and Student Success resources below.

We appreciate your understanding.

Contact Info

For additional updates related to COVID-19 at UT, please check: coronavirus.utexas.edu


Keep Learning

Advise, technology, tools, and help for online learning.

Keep Learning

Managing the Pandemic Resources

Protect Texas Together

To learn about the university’s plans for Fall 2020, visit Protect Texas Together.

Still Need Help?

We’re here for you.


Hours of Operation
Monday–Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Visit Texas One Stop ›

MAI 1 (Ground Floor of UT Tower)
110 Inner Campus Dr.
Austin, TX 78712



(512) 232-6988 (myUT)

Hours of operation for phone calls are Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 8:​30 a.​m.​- 5:00 p.​m., Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Call volumes may be higher during peak times.

Call Us


Email response times may take 5-7 business days.


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