Resolving Holds

Please remember to check your Registration Information Sheet (RIS) prior to registration to take care of any holds before your assigned registration time. There, you can find the reason and impact of a hold, how to resolve it, and whom to contact if you have questions. When registration for the next semester approaches, check your RIS frequently. It is important to resolve your holds, as they can delay you from registering for classes and ordering a transcript or diploma.

How to Check Your Holds

  • Step 1: View your RIS and select the desired semester.
  • Step 2: Review what holds, if any, are on your record.
  • Step 3: If there is a hold, take care of it with the provided link or contact information. The most common holds are below.

Types of Holds

There are two types of common holds you can receive: financial and non-financial holds.

  • Financial holds totaling more than $1,000 must be resolved before you can register for classes. Financial holds of any amount must be resolved before you can receive your diploma.
  • Non-financial holds, such as advising holds, do not contain a monetary component and must be resolved before you can register for classes.

Common Financial Holds

Financial: You may have an outstanding balance on your tuition and fees, which can be viewed via What I Owe or My Tuition Bill. Learn about payment methods available on the paying your tuition web page.

Parking and Transportation: You may have outstanding parking fines, which you can pay online or in person through Parking and Transportation Service (PTS).

Housing and Food Services: You may owe a balance for on-campus housing or meal plans. For assistance contact 512-232-7012 or

University Health Services/Medical: You may have out-of-pocket costs associated with medical/health services administered by University Health Services (UHS). Contact 512-475-7735 for assistance with UHS holds.

Common Non-financial Holds

Advising Hold: Contact your academic advisor to schedule time to meet. Only your advisor or designee can remove the hold.

Emergency Contact: You are required to update your emergency contact once a year using the online update form in UT Direct. More information on this requirement can be found in the General Information Catalog Appendix A, item D.

Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS): The FRS is a semesterly financial acknowledgement students are required to sign regarding obligations to pay tuition and fees.

Texas Global/International Student & Scholarship Services (ISSS): You may need to submit additional paperwork or check in with the ISSS office. For assistance, contact 512-471-1211 or

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