Full-Time Enrollment Status Exceptions

Enrollment status is determined by the number of credit hours in which you are enrolled in-residence plus any semester-based University Extension coursework that you may be also taking in that same semester. If you find it necessary to go below the minimum number of hours required for full-time enrollment status, you may request possible exceptions or course load reductions under certain circumstances. International F-1 and J-1 students must obtain authorization for reduced enrollment from International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) before dropping below a full course load.

If you have any questions about full-time enrollment status possible exceptions, please contact your academic advisor.

What is Enrollment Status (Quantity of Work Rule)?

Your enrollment status is determined by the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled in-residence (taking courses at UT) in a semester. University Extension semester-based coursework is included in the total along with in-residence coursework. Semesters include multiple subterms. In general, full-time status requires the following minimum credit hours:

Minimum Hour Requirements for Full-Time Status

Fall or Spring Semester

  • Fall and Winter Terms are subterms included in Fall Semester enrollment.
  • Spring and May Terms are subterms included in Spring Semester enrollment.
Undergraduates Graduate students Pharm.D. students Law students
Full-time 12 hours 9 hours 9 hours 10 hours
Half-time 6 hours 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours


  • Full-time

    12 hours
  • Half-time

    6 hours

Graduate students

  • Full-time

    9 hours
  • Half-time

    5 hours

Pharm.D. students

  • Full-time

    9 hours
  • Half-time

    5 hours

Law students

  • Full-time

    10 hours
  • Half-time

    5 hours

Summer Semester

  • First Term, Second Term, Nine-Week Term and Summer Term are subterms included in Summer Semester enrollment.
Undergraduates Graduate students Pharm.D. students Law students
Full-time 12 hours 3 hours 3 hours 6 hours
Half-time 6 hours 2 hours 2 hours 3 hours


  • Full-time

    12 hours
  • Half-time

    6 hours

Graduate students

  • Full-time

    3 hours
  • Half-time

    2 hours

Pharm.D. students

  • Full-time

    3 hours
  • Half-time

    2 hours

Law students

  • Full-time

    6 hours
  • Half-time

    3 hours

More information about enrollment status (quantity of work rule) can be found in the General Information Catalog.

Why should I request a full-time exception?

There are potential impacts of having a less than full-time status. Enrolling in less than full-time hours may impact both your progress toward a degree and your registration time. If you enroll in less than full-time hours or drop below full-time status during the course of the semester, you will no longer be considered full-time. As a result, less than full-time enrollment may impact your:

  • Financial aid (including scholarships).
  • Scholastic probation.
  • Progress towards degree.
  • Registration times.
  • Veteran education benefits.
  • NCAA athletic eligibility.
  • On-campus housing.
  • Student immigration status.
  • Employment eligibility (student academic positions).
  • University honors.

In addition, a less than full-time enrollment status could also impact areas outside the University, such as insurance, taxes, non-academic student employment positions and international student visa status.

Full-Time Status Exceptions and How to Apply

You may possibly qualify for one of the following full-time enrollment status exceptions if you:

Have a Disability and/or Medical Reason

How to Apply:

  • If you are already registered with Disability and Access (D&A), please contact your assigned Access Coordinator for information about Full-Time Status.
  • If you are not registered with D&A and would like to register your disability and discuss full-time status please contact D&A at access@austin.utexas.edu or follow the steps on the D&A website.

Are in Your Graduating Semester

If you are an undergraduate enrolled in at least six hours of coursework in your semester of graduation you may also be eligible to be considered for a full-time status exception.

How to apply:

  • Contact your advisor after the 12th class day (after the fourth class day in summer) to seek a full-time status exception letter. Your dean must submit a request to the Registrar’s office that your enrollment status be changed from half-time to full-time.
  • International F-1/J-1 students in their final semester must also obtain approval for a reduced course load from International Student and Scholar Services.

Are in a Co-operative Engineering Course

You are considered to be enrolled full-time if enrolled in a cooperative engineering course.

However, please note these courses are not state or federal aid eligible because they are zero credit hour courses.

You should receive notification of any exception generally after the 12th class day in fall and spring and after the fourth class day in summer. Depending upon your situation, your advisor may also need to notify other impacted University offices of this exception as well. Bear in mind that non-UT Austin offices are not obligated to allow an exception. International F-1 and J-1 students must obtain authorization for reduced enrollment from International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) before dropping below a full course load.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

It is very important that you coordinate with your academic advisor to notify the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid of any full-time status enrollment exception you receive. Please note, these exceptions may not apply to a student’s eligibility for certain types of financial aid. With the exception of the Federal Pell Grant, all other sources of federal, state, and University grants and loans require a minimum of half-time enrollment (six credits per semester). This is based on federal and state statute and as such there are no exceptions to the minimum enrollment requirements. Enrollment reporting for student loan repayment purposes will be reported as actual hours enrolled. Additionally, certain scholarships may have strict enrollment rules that cannot be waived by a full-time enrollment status exception. Students enrolled only in self-paced UEX courses are not aid eligible.

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