Teaching Assistantships & Fellowships

Teaching Assistantships and Fellowships are a source of aid that can affect the amount of financial aid that you receive from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. In some cases, the effect will be a dollar for dollar adjustment. The Financial Aid Notification (FAN) is the appropriate place to report teaching assistantships and fellowships, although you may notify our office at any time. Keep in mind that reporting your teaching assistantship or fellowship as soon as you know about it will help prevent delays in the release of your financial aid.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching assistants are graduate students who help faculty members with the conduct and delivery of courses. Nonresident graduate students appointed at least half time as teaching assistants are eligible to receive a waiver of the nonresident portion of their tuition and will be charged in-state tuition.


Fellowships are awarded to both new and continuing graduate students. Students are nominated by their graduate advisors for fellowships administered by the Graduate School. Generally, fellowships require no service for the recipient. Some fellowships provide for payment of tuition and required fees in addition to the stipend. For additional information on employment opportunities, contact the Graduate School.

Graduate Student Employment

Effect on Financial Aid

Depending on how your teaching assistantship is paid to you, it may affect your total eligibility for aid. Typically, if you are paid through the University Payroll office, there will be no reduction to your financial aid. However, you will have to report your earnings when you renew your FAFSA. Adjustments to financial aid are usually necessary for students who are not paid through University Payroll.

A fellowship, much like a scholarship, affects your total eligibility for aid.

At the start of the financial aid awarding process, your total cost of attendance is determined. Next, the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid subtracts any fellowships, scholarships, teaching assistantships and/or additional resources from the total cost of attendance. The remaining balance represents your total eligibility for financial aid. You cannot receive financial aid funding over this remaining balance.

It is possible for graduate students to receive a teaching assistantship or fellowship after financial aid funds have been accepted and/or released. If this happens, financial aid will be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted, even if you have already accepted/received your funding for the semester.

Notification of Aid Revision

Whenever aid is revised, an email or a revised Financial Aid Notification (FAN) will be sent. The teaching assistantship or fellowship will be listed under “Additional Resources” on the FAN. If you do receive a revised FAN, be sure to reconfirm your award choices and submit the notification.

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